Domino Digital Printing Solutions highlights ink jet opportunities at Label & Print 2019

  • By Domino Printing Sciences
  • January 21, 2019
  • Digital Printing
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Domino, leading digital printing solutions provider, will use Label & Print 2019 (part of Packaging Innovations being held at the NEC Birmingham on 27th and 28th February) as a platform to highlight the numerous business opportunities their ink jet solutions can deliver to add value for UK label and packaging printers and converters.

“This event is the perfect place for us to showcase, and share with other companies looking to adopt digital ink jet technology, how our ink jet solutions have helped to enhance productivity, reduce operational costs, increase capacity and profit, and create new business opportunities for our UK customers. With over 600 global installations of our piezo drop on demand ink jet systems, including over 140 digital colour label presses, this provides testimony that our proven and reliable technology is trusted by customers around the world. In fact, a number of our UK customers have already invested in a second Domino digital colour label press.” Steve Taylor - UK Business Manager Domino Digital Printing Solutions
“Label printers and brand owners alike who visit our Stand H20 will be able to see the quality of the samples produced using Domino’s latest technologies. There will be a range of samples available including: labels printed on a range of industry standard media without the need for inline priming, three dimensional textured labels created using Domino’s highly opaque white ink without having to invest in expensive textured substrates, along with some folded cartons and shrink sleeves, all printed on the Domino N610i digital ink jet colour label press.’’ Matt Crowder - UK Sales Manager Digital Colour

There will also be a selection of samples printed on the Domino K600i, an extremely versatile and highly productive, monochrome printer. Designed for sheet or web, and modular so that it can be configured to the print width required (up to 782mm wide), the K600i can be used to print monochrome variable data including text, sequential numbering, barcodes and the latest 2D codes including QR codes at speeds of up to 200m/min, onto labels, tags, tickets, forms, security products and direct mail.

Available with high impact UV-curable, LED-curable, cost-effective aqueous pigmented inks, and Domino’s highly opaque white ink targeted primarily at printers looking for a digital alternative to screen printing, it can also be used for digital cold foiling and with Domino’s UV80CL fluorescent ink to incorporate security features onto labels and packaging for enhanced brand protection, traceability, and to prevent counterfeiting and parallel trade.

“The Domino team look forward to welcoming visitors onto our stand to discuss how our digital variable data printing and traceability solutions can be used across all industry sectors including the food, beverage, industrial, pharmaceutical and security printing sectors enabling you to enhance and even double your productivity, whilst making significant savings to your overall production costs.” Steve Taylor - UK Business Manager Domino Digital Printing Solutions

For further information about Domino’s label printing solutions, please visit:

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