Printing on Contact Lens Packaging

Our flexible and compact laser printers offer efficient, high-quality product marking to maximize production and ensure legislative compliance

Create clean & clear codes for your Contact Lens Packaging with Domino Laser Printers

Serializing and coding products can be a real challenge, particularly with multiple materials involved and an existing production process in place. Our compact scribing laser printers are versatile enough to offer flexible, high-quality carton and blister foil marking in any production environment.

We offer laser printing systems that can produce unlimited lines of text, in any orientation, font or size. They also handle graphics and 2D Datamatrix codes easily. The unique i-Tech scan head is designed to be reliable, compact, and adjustable, meaning it can be integrated into any production process without compromising performance – even when dealing with complex codes, difficult-to-mark materials and fast production speeds.

When used in conjunction with our labeling technology, our laser printers provide a complete high-quality marking and labeling solution for all levels of product packaging – maximizing your uptime and making sure you comply with current legislation. 

Our Automation and Integration Services help make the coding process safer and prevent errors from happening.

Domino Automation and Designer, our software tools for centralized label management and automated deployment, are designed to boost your production efficiency: streamline operations and minimize waste.

Using Domino Automation you can create messages centrally and automatically pass them down to all Domino printers on your production.

  • Design and manage labels at a single location: our intuitive label design system enables using a universal interface, keeping training needs at a minimum.
  • Easily manage users and their permissions: security features like Active Directory Integration enable using your existing IT network, and simplify user management.
  • Full audit trail for the management of production changes: version control provides the ability for approval and roll-back procedures.