Domino is excited to be a part of the PMMI ProSource Directory

  • By Domino North America
  • April 15, 2021
  • General
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Domino can also be found on PMMI ProSource

Sure, you  are already here on the Domino website and we trust you are having a great time navigating the fun world of coding, marking, labeling, digital printing presses, software, and everything in between. And we feel honored you are taking the time to know more about what sets Domino apart, when you have so many choices available at your fingertips.  So thank you for taking the time!

However, we also wanted to share a new resource available to you from our friends at PMMI, ProSource, the newest brainchild from the Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Institute.

This new online directory of packaging and processing technology suppliers in North America connects buyers to the right machinery, materials and services, and Domino North America is proud to be a part of this exciting new directory. So while we hope that Domino is your chosen coding and marking supplier, we encourage you to take a gander at this new portal for all of your other machinery and material needs.

Domino products are featured in several articles within the portal including coding and marking technology comparisons.


Need more information?

Contact us about our innovative and award-winning printing and marking solutions. Get in touch

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